How to convert an existing shared hosting main account into an Addon under another shared hosting hosting account


Taking the backup of the primary account on the Old hosting account

  • Login to the Old hosting account
  • Go to file manager, search and Compress the public_html folder

  • Download the compressed file on your PC


 If you have created email accounts with the primary account

  • On your Old cPanel dashboard>>Go to file manager>>Open the mail folder and Compress the folder of the primary account and download on your PC

  • On your Old cPanel dashboard>>Go to file manager>>Open the etc folder and Compress the folder of the primary account and download on your PC

Step3; Export all the databases for each addons on your PC from

  • On your cPanel dashboard>>Click on phpmyadmin>>click on database name>>click on export as shown:
  • After all files has been successfully downloaded
  • Ensure that the primary domain no longer points to the old hosting account


==='''Restoring the backups on the new hosting account'''===

*Login to the New hosting account

*Create the domain as an addon

*On your new cPanel dashboard>>Go to file manager>>Open public_html>>Upload the public_html backup file from your PC>>Extract the files into the folder of the addon

*On your new cPanel dashboard>>Go to file manager>>Open the mail folder>>Upload the mail backup file from your PC>>Extract the files into the folder of the addon

*On your new cPanel dashboard>>Go to file manager>>Open the etc folder>>Upload each etc backup file from your PC>>Extract the files into the folder of the addon

'''N:B;Check the file/folders permissions'''

   Mail folder must be 0751

   Etc folder must be 0750

   Public_html folder must be 0750


Check under **email accounts** option to be sure all emails are showing[if they are not do update the ticket so we can assist further]


==='''For the database'''===

*Create the database for the addon, the database name, database username and database password[Remember this is a new account with a different username you will need to update the configuration file with the new database details]

*Import the database from your PC to the phpMyAdmin

*On your new cPanel dashboard>> phpMyAdmin>click on database name>click on import as shown:


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